So a neighbor brings him home. Seems he was run off the road by a barely english speaking maniacal dump truck driver delivering a load of firewood flying down the center of the road with no regard for man nor beast. "Oh sorry, can't stop now," he yells out the window as he slows. Ya, like that really helped. At least that was Josh's take on the whole thing. He also claims he was only going 5 miles an hour. A teenage boy driving 5 miles and hour, ya well, you be the judge. A Good Samaritan was a few minutes behind and gave him a lift. He was about 2 miles from home and had no cell service, thank goodness for caring, decent neighbors.
Larry's take, "Oh, this one is a toughie, she's resting on the drive shaft and the muffler, and the axle is partly buried. Not sure I can get 'er out with out damage, but I'll sure try" Not exactly comforting, but what are my alternatives. Besides, Larry looked like he knew what he was doing.....I hoped. Well, 2 hrs and 1 fat check later, the truck was back on the road. Larry did a great job, truck survived damage free, Josh snapped a pretty cool souvenir picture with his cell phone and me...I just wrote the check...hmmm, I'm feeling a little jipped.
Well, after yet another trip back into town, the gang has arrived and the Dance Dance Revolution party is in full swing. They seem to be having a good time. The light fixtures sure are shaking. Hmmm....I wonder if Larry knows a good electrician.
On another note we caught two more snakes. Not rattlers, but still. One was 6'5", he was hiding out in the garage sizing up the new chicks. The other was 5'2" I figure if ya got 'em in hand, ya may as well measure 'em....after all. I "relocated" them both to the end of the driveway, which is 1/4 mile long. I hope that was enough. We thought we had chased the same big one off already, so we spray painted a spot on his back to see if he comes back. That's an "Old Indian Trick" I learned form my dad. He has a lot of old indian tricks, but that's fodder for another blog. What are the odds the newly decorated snake will shed and return? I'll keep you posted on that.
Well, today definitely was an interesting day, I often tell Josh he keeps my life interesting. Just when I was beginning to think there would be nothing to blog about today. Here's to hoping tomorrow is dull; my checkbook just can't handle the excitement.
Here are Josh's pictures. Only the front Drivers tire was making contact with the ground. The rear driver's was in the air and both passenger tires were off the ground down it the ditch. The truck was resting on the undercarriage, but thankfully its out with no damage!
I love reading your blog! Keep up the good work.