Josh helped me to hang the 15 hole nest box in the coop today. I think it looks great. The hens love it. They went from hole to hole to hole checking it out, scratching the hay around, and clucking. I think they tried just about every hole before they decided it met with their approval and hopped on down and out the door. Hopefully tomorrow they will lay in the box and not on the ground.
I picked up the nest box from craigslist. It was in need of some repairs before hanging. Some of the floor trays were missing and some were rusted through, so we cut boards and made new floors for it. Josh was removing some staples from the boards before running them through the saw and rammed a chisel pretty deep into his hand. I told him it pays to use the right tool for the job...probably figured that out already :) He bled a bit. I made him wash it, I put some bactroban on it, butterflied it and then bandaged it. It probably could have used a few stitches, but he takes after me and wanted to leave it be. I told him to keep an eye on it for infection. I think it bled enough to clean it out. I think his plan was to fake dad out and tell him the snake bit him. I advised him to make sure dad was in a good mood first. :)
Becca took her truck into the body shop. She got in a wreck last week and seemed to be dragging her feet about getting it in for repair, not sure why. She is still waiting to hear about the new job. They have had some turnover in managment and she was told they want her, but they can't hire till the new manager is in place, hopefully soon. I reccommended she start looking again.
Tonight the kids had friends over to watch a movie. They like to hang out here. I'm glad, I can supervise and I like knowing what is going on and who they are hanging with.
We didn't get everything on the lists done, but we made a good dent in them, and we had an exciting and fun day hanging out together and working toward a common goal. And, I was reminded once again that I have a bunch of really great kids!
Josh with the headless rattler
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