I met josh at the bike trail for a ride yesterday. I put in 45 min before he got there then road an additional while with him in tow. It was a windy day, making the ride easy in spots and quite difficult in others.
The river was high due to the recent snow melting and the grass in spots was almost a foot tall, so lush and green, a color I have missed seeing for the past 6 months. Some of the shrubs are 3/4 leaved out already and I noticed several plum thickets in bloom.
I'm starting to think I need to get the garden tilled and planted. I should have started seeds earlier, but I think I can catch up. Wonder what treasures will surface this year from the old mining shack that occupied my garden spot.
Josh on the trail. Such a nice backdrop!
Josh & me. I've gotten a bit fluffy over the past few years...time to work it off!
Wow, looking great already!!! G-ma said you've already lost 20 lbs!!! Maybe I need to start biking 50+ miles too and maybe I'd lose more!!! Anyway, keep it up, and lay off the poor prairie dogs!!! Haha!