I thought it was a rattler, but wanted to make sure before I sealed its fate, so I grabbed a shovel from the garage and gave it a nudge, sure enough it began to rattle. With it being so close to the deck and able to slip under if I missed, I hollered up to Josh's bedroom window. He was down in a hurry and, being a good aim, made quick work of things. He then buried the head.
The snake had a nice big rattle, I'm going to tan the skin tomorrow, it's rolled up in the fridge, too much going on to mess with it now. If you are easily grossed out, skip to the next paragraph. I skinned him out and gutted and cut him up and we had it for lunch. I breaded it and pan fried it in some bacon grease. The kids thought it was pretty good. Even Emily ate it, stating it tasted like chicken. That's the first I had tried snake, it was actually more tender and tasted better than I expected.
After the laundry, I got the cheese started and headed up to do chores while the milk heated on the stove. I've got one young rooster that is meaner than all get out. He can't even crow yet, but he attacks all the other chickens. So I caught him and caged him up. I'll have to put him in the freezer today or tomorrow.
I added the culture and while the milk was ripening and went back out and trimmed the goat's hooves. Its a monthly chore, I like to keep them nice and trimmed. Tigris the alpine/saanen had bad hooves when I got her, very folded over, pointed and looooong. She was literally walking on the sides of her hooves. Its taken a couple months to get them nice and it only takes 20-30 minutes to get all 5 of the girls trimmed up. I figure if you're going to own an animal, it ought to be well cared for. She takes care of me through milk, babies and eventually meat, it's my duty to care for her now.
Back inside, I added the rennet and once again let the milk set to firm up while I went out to the garden to putz around a bit. Harvested a few grape tomatoes and some zucchini, nothing too exciting.
Well, the cheddar cheese is in the press as I type. I've made ricotta with the whey, its hanging in a buttercloth to drain. I'll post my cheesemaking photos tomorrow, with a little more detail as to the process. Will make Gjetost (or less well known, but more correctly termed mysost) with the whey from the ricotta tomorrow as well. Nothing wasted. With the fresh ricotta, Em will be helping me make some homemade ravioli tomorrow, yum!
Here's the bad boy. If I encounter them away from the house, I leave em. But this close, he had to go.
Here's where I keep the goats and chickens. Not a real high tech system, but most everything was scavenged and gotten for free or super cheap.
ReplyDeleteYou go girl!!
I love your blog. I have checked it out occasionally in the past, but I sure love to get a peek into your frontier-woman life!!
I started blogging finally, (after many requests...it;s still in it's beginning stages) but all mine is about is boring ole frugalness!! :) :)
Traci.....ala, IntlMom
Hey Denise ~ I so love that you ate the rattlesnake! As I've mentioned in the past, I'm living vicariously through you right now! :) I just have one question ~ how does a woman that was living in the middle of suburbia just a little over a year ago even KNOW HOW to skin & gut and then fry a rattle snake? Seriously, I really really want to live on a homestead, but it seems I have so much to learn. It seems to come naturally to you and you make it all look so easy!!!! ~Jessica (aka jamauk on FV).
ReplyDeleteDenise, I love reading your blog. It brings back lots of memories. I remember making cheese, but that was soooo long ago. You need to get a butter churn so you can have real butter. I didn't think about it, but can you make butter with goat milk(cream)? I did good till I got to the part of the rattle snake. I thought I was going to get sick! I can't understand for the life of me why you would eat snake. Love ya, Mom