Pretty boy is an indoor dog. A lanky, old greyhound, he stands as tall as she. He is gentle and took a lot of “love” from her, but by the end of the day, would run when he saw her coming his direction. I just hope he ran that fast during his racing career.
“Aunt Neice, you know why pretty boy is so happy now?”
No but I’m quite sure you’re willing to share that information, ran through my head. But I answered with a simple, interested “Why?”
“Because he just got a new baby.” She said as she wrapped up the stuffed Hershey dog replica.
“Um, ok, well, here’s the problem Boys don’t get babies!!”
“Well” She muttered and gave some serious contemplation. “The mom had the baby in her tummy and then Pretty Boy got the baby. That’s why he’s happy.”
“But you know what?” she continued
Um, apparently not, “What?”
“Pretty boy just has to go to work. He says au revoir, I’m goin’ to work, and then we have to take care of the baby. Isn’t that silly aunt Neice? We just have to take care of pretty boy’s baby all day.”
Oh ya, I’m laughing. That’s your job for the day.
We walked up to the coop and fed the hens. On the way back she exclaimed “Surprise!! I’m not taking a nap today; I’m just going to bed early.”
Ha! Surprise, you’re taking a nap today and going to bed early. At least one of us is, but I get to pick.
After lunch she wanted a “dessert”, so I went to the kitchen to whip something up.
“Put your armpits up or I’ll shoot” she excitedly exclaimed as she ran toward me. I was mixing up a batch of brownies, but paused, stuck my finger out and said the same.
“Noooooooooo” she whined as her eyes began to water. “You’re not playing it right.”
“You can just let me tickle you.” She answered
“I can’t tickle you?”
“Noooooooo” she whined again. She then ran into the bedroom and shut the door behind her, obviously tired and ready for a nap.
I continued with the brownies. She quietly poked her head out the door twice hoping I wouldn’t catch a glimpse of her. I pretended not to notice. On the second time, she piped up, head sticking out into the foyer, “Hey! I want some brownies!
“You do?”
“Yes, I want some brownies.” She said with a touch of indignation in her voice.
“Ok, are you going to stay in there or are you coming out?” I asked
“Well, I want brownies, but I’m just not happy with how you were acting” she scolded.
“Not happy with how I was acting?” I asked holding back a chuckle.
“Yes, that’s right, I’m just not happy with how you were acting. You were not behaving good!”
“Ok, well, I’m gonna have a brownie, you gonna have one?”
“Yes” she muttered as she shut the door and pouted on the way out. “But I just call them browns”
Tomorrow she goes home. I’ll miss her, but I understand God’s wisdom in giving kids to young people. After she leaves tomorrow I’m planning on taking a bubble bath with a good book and a plate of browns. Right now I’ll settle for a couple of Advil and a dark room.
Pretty Boy, his "baby" and Rae
People should read this.